I still don't know how we managed to cap our innernet in the first place. ANYWAY: SKETCHDUMP!
Thought I'd separate the unusual (slash new) with the usual. Also me forgetting where the angle of the mandible goes.
Boredom sketch from almost two weeks ago. Screwed up the shapes and sizes of the ilia and made the whole thing generally too *tall*, but woo, pelvis! Also labeled what I could because yay anatomy! (I still think "let's go draw pelvises together" sounds kind of... suss. Dunno why. I blame uni friends.)
Had a study session at the museum, and while going over bony markings of the pelvis, turned it upside down and oh hey, it looks kind of like a samurai hat LET'S DRAW THAT. Also lost in all this ridiculosity is me experimenting with noses.
More of the usual. Also the end result of the nose experimentation, which I've been sticking with since.
Really happy with this! Pretty much pulled out all the easy ways of differentiating males and females, though (angles of the mandible and straight vs curved lines in particular). This probably marks the point where learning to draw long hair becomes kind of important.
I'd call this the usual, but zomg a hat! Well, beanie. Easiest of all hats to draw. But still! Drew this on Monday, and am disproportionately happy about it because I couldn't draw a bloody thing right all weekend/Monday morning.END SKETCHDUMP
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