An unproductive night and morning, coupled with my discovery that Finale needs a .PDF writer in order to export to .PDF, has yielded a piano reduction, and allowed me to save it and an older one in a file format that a regular computer can actually read. Hooray!
So, without further ado, the two pieces. Also links to Youtube, so if you don't know the song, you can have a listen, and a .MID taken from the musical score, if you want to know how I arranged it. And apologies for any Skydrive popups that bug you (but if they do, you need to get Firefox. Srsly.) Huh, I guess there was further ado. Never mind.
Also, the folder on Skydrive does have an RSS feed, but I'll post all my reductions here, so there shouldn't be any point in subscribing to it.
End transmission. Or something.
So, without further ado, the two pieces. Also links to Youtube, so if you don't know the song, you can have a listen, and a .MID taken from the musical score, if you want to know how I arranged it. And apologies for any Skydrive popups that bug you (but if they do, you need to get Firefox. Srsly.) Huh, I guess there was further ado. Never mind.
Kamelot - Epilogue [ YOUTUBE / MIDI / PDF ]
Bonus track from their 2005 album, The black halo. Note Finale Notepad (ie. the free version) doesn't allow for ritardandos, acciacaturae, or changes in tempo - I had to enter them as text - so the .MID doesn't reflect that. My workaround for a similar limitation can be seen on the last page. Bleh.
The song closes with variations on a repeated musical theme (original, four slight variations, original), and begins to fade out on the fifth iteration (or final variation). Obviously, you can't do this in real life, and it does get kind of boring about halfway in (for me as the pianist, anyway), so you might want to consider cutting it down to two iterations or so, then jumping straight to my tacked-on ending. Or something. I dunno.
I'm not sure if CutePDF Writer embeds fonts into its output files; if it doesn't, the .PDFs will look like gibberish. If they do, comment and I'll upload the fonts, and the .TIF export if anyone doesn't have privileges to install them.Trading Yesterday - For You only [ YOUTUBE / MIDI / PDF ]
Yeah, that band. I find this reduction pretty boring, myself, but you might disagree with me (although the song sure isn't). The outro is taken pretty much note-for-note from the song (barring the fact that I had to insert the string melodies somewhere), which I am happy with.
Also, the folder on Skydrive does have an RSS feed, but I'll post all my reductions here, so there shouldn't be any point in subscribing to it.
End transmission. Or something.
your sign-off reminds me of star trek
in fact, I'm pretty sure it IS star trek!!
You can't DO that!
MUSIC or MUSIK, not some conglomerate of the two. GAAAHHH.
makes the last consonants sound harder! so it's like a hurried versin of "moo-zeeeek"
also, nice new dp!
I interpret '-k' as harder than '-ck', myself. (Dammit, is 'hard' doomed to live its life as a double entendre? Bah.) BUT GERMAN-ENGLISH BLENDS REMAIN INTOLERABLE
Also, I'm actually pretty unhappy with the way this avie looks on the blag sidebar. Need to find a fix for that sometime. Either way, the Journal 2 one was getting old, and is outdated.
you speak in code!!!!
<communicate speech="These aren't the droids you're looking for." />
In seriousness, what code do you speak of? If you need translations, apologies and I'll try to tone it down in future. Blogs that people understand are good things!
no kidding. I see you've seen at least one of the Star Wars movies and it is #4 a new hope. NO, I am not a Star wars buff, but my brother seems to feel the need to tell me ALL about them, or at least, everything he knows about them...
apologies accepted.
also, what does entendre mean?
@tigger STAR WAAAHHRS!!! I would say it was a guy thing but a lot of my friends at school (I go to a girls' school) and psycho about it >_>
wait. it's pris
i didn't even realise i was signed in on him >_>
Aaron has a blag?!
dou·ble en·ten·dre
–noun, plural dou·ble en·ten·dres
1. a double meaning.
2. a word or expression used in a given context so that it can be understood in two ways, esp. when one meaning is risqué.
okay then....
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