I get the feeling that Twitter is robbing me of blog topics. I'm also getting annoyed with Twitter's 140-character limit. Solution: long tweets come here!
Hopefully this'll help me dust the cobwebs off this place. Not to mention that I'm not going to have time to write out and proofread those page-long blaggings in the next few months. Stupid matriculation exams. In any case, the eventual plan is to mix these shorter posts (imaginatively tagged "tweet"s) with the longer essay-like posts I've written previously.
All the better to bore the pants off you people! (Should get around to writing an Ode to the Imaginary Reader some time.) In any case, onward there be random musings.
I just realised the extent to which Epica's " Another me "in lack'ech" " bores me. (Heck, I had to check the spelling. And I can spell songs like Nightwish's "Kuolema tekee taiteilijan" off by heart. Yay for Application Of German Phoenetics In Inappropriate Situations®. Also yay for application of "correct" citations. Never going to be able to banish "short work, quotation marks; long work, italicise or underline" from my mind. The contents of these parentheses have spiralled completely out of control, therefore I am ending them now.)
...Where was I? Oh yeah. The song popped up on my main shuffled playlist a few minutes ago, and I was jarred when I heard a verse (bridge? Y'never know, with Epica) that I had absolutely no memory of hearing before. (It's near the end of the song and begins 'all that you've taken from others'. Incidentally, boring song, but the album it's from, Consign to oblivion, is pretty awesome. ...wait. I REFUSE TO LET THESE PARENTHETICAL CONTENTS MUTATE LIKE THE PREVIOUS ONE DID) It might seem like no big deal, but I memorise songs' melodies pretty easily, so it came as quite a surprise to me.
Anyway, this post brought to you by Boring Insights Into Barnabas' Life®.
Gratuitous end-of-post linkage:
Gunnerkrigg Court.
Pretty awesome webcomic which I am failing to concoct a description for. It's plot-based, so you'll want to start from the beginning.
Dr McNinja.
Superhero-spoof sorta comic that features a doctor, who is also a ninja. Woo!
(Eh. What I was going to confine to a 140-character tweet has mutated into a 212-word, 1 229-character couple of paragraphs. In a 397-word, 1 968-character blag post. Hooray!)
Addendum: And not twenty minutes after I publish this (hey, that verb makes this sound like something worth reading!), I find a similar segment in another song. One that I like, no less. Eh. In any case, I'd never taken note of the first bit of Leaves' Eyes' "Leaves whisper" before. And I thought I couldn't pay more attention to music. Another whole level of fanaticism opens to me!
Hopefully this'll help me dust the cobwebs off this place. Not to mention that I'm not going to have time to write out and proofread those page-long blaggings in the next few months. Stupid matriculation exams. In any case, the eventual plan is to mix these shorter posts (imaginatively tagged "tweet"s) with the longer essay-like posts I've written previously.
All the better to bore the pants off you people! (Should get around to writing an Ode to the Imaginary Reader some time.) In any case, onward there be random musings.
I just realised the extent to which Epica's " Another me "in lack'ech" " bores me. (Heck, I had to check the spelling. And I can spell songs like Nightwish's "Kuolema tekee taiteilijan" off by heart. Yay for Application Of German Phoenetics In Inappropriate Situations®. Also yay for application of "correct" citations. Never going to be able to banish "short work, quotation marks; long work, italicise or underline" from my mind. The contents of these parentheses have spiralled completely out of control, therefore I am ending them now.)
...Where was I? Oh yeah. The song popped up on my main shuffled playlist a few minutes ago, and I was jarred when I heard a verse (bridge? Y'never know, with Epica) that I had absolutely no memory of hearing before. (It's near the end of the song and begins 'all that you've taken from others'. Incidentally, boring song, but the album it's from, Consign to oblivion, is pretty awesome. ...wait. I REFUSE TO LET THESE PARENTHETICAL CONTENTS MUTATE LIKE THE PREVIOUS ONE DID) It might seem like no big deal, but I memorise songs' melodies pretty easily, so it came as quite a surprise to me.
Anyway, this post brought to you by Boring Insights Into Barnabas' Life®.
Gratuitous end-of-post linkage:
(Eh. What I was going to confine to a 140-character tweet has mutated into a 212-word, 1 229-character couple of paragraphs. In a 397-word, 1 968-character blag post. Hooray!)
Addendum: And not twenty minutes after I publish this (hey, that verb makes this sound like something worth reading!), I find a similar segment in another song. One that I like, no less. Eh. In any case, I'd never taken note of the first bit of Leaves' Eyes' "Leaves whisper" before. And I thought I couldn't pay more attention to music. Another whole level of fanaticism opens to me!
I was half tempted not to comment coz technically I'm "imaginary"
But I really like Another Me in Lack'ech D= (I can spell it easeh! ... assuming that's the right spelling)
Shall get onto reading the comics... sometime later. I still haven't touched Sam and Fuzzy
also, SO MANY BIG WORDS!! and it's 7:30am!!! CRUEL CRUEL BOI!
I'd actually say try these two first; they're shorter. (Well, seeing as Sam and Fuzzy is fast approaching 1000 comics...)
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