So I was woken (in typical B-style, at 1100 or so) by the sound of some very familiar lines on Saturday.
"Anakin is the father, isn't he? I'm so sorry."
Yeah, I don't know why I've managed to memorise those lines. Heck, I hadn't seen Revenge of the Sith since it was in cinemas! Soo, I dragged my butt out to the living room and settled on the sofa to watch the remainder of the film. (AKA the good bit. Yay fighting!) I have to say, III is definitely my favourite of the new trilogy. (YES, FLICK. NOT ONE. THREE.)
But in any case, in one of the final fights, and I won't say which, since one crazy person has yet to see III, I was pleasantly surprised to hear Duel of the Fates feature in the music as it grew increasingly epic. (Well, it phased out again, but you can't win 'em all. DotF is the main theme that plays in I when Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon fight Darth Maul.) For some reason, the theme triggers an internal "SQUEE" for me. (No, I am not a lizard at heart. Most of you didn't get that. Head this-a-way.)
I didn't think much of it at the time, until I started checking to see if I could download some Star Wars soundtracks later that evening. (I was looking for the music in III that features DotF, but it's not in the soundtrack! Laaame.) Getting to the point, Duel of the Fates is the first musical theme ('track' or 'song', if you will) that I can think of that I've liked (that isn't a hymn. Because that's all the music I ever heard growing up. In retrospect, that's probably a good thing, as I outgrew the bubblegum music stage in about three months). Which made me wonder if it's the root of my love for symphonic metal. (Best. Genre. EVAR.)
Thankfully, the questionable causal inference only lasted a few minutes. (And who says Theory of Knowledge is useless?) It could be possible that I already had the taste, and DotF was one of the first pieces of music I heard which matched this palate. Which is also questionable, as this taste would have supposedly grown out of hymns. (Seriously, it is a HUGE jump from Give thanks to DotF.) Maybe it was indeed the former, helped along by how friggin' cool Darth Maul is (was?), and the fact that the fight was brilliant? (This would also explain why the original trilogy's music didn't have the same effect. Although admittedly, I grew up watching those practically like other people would've watched Disney.)
Well, here conclude the thoughts of your friendly local raving lunatic. A few links and other thoughts before concluding:
Writing this up in Notepad++ was pretty awesome. Gotta love it highlighting your HTML for you.
I've killed the obnoxiously long recommended listening list on the sidebar, and stuck a link to my account there instead (The comics list has exploded in its place. Woo!). Same difference. Sadly, I can't scrobble because of my non-standard use of tags, but a list of bands is still present. Also sadly, Evanescence registers the most plays in my library, because it was the first band of those I still listen to that I discovered. And my tagging things as by "Kamelot & Amanda Somerville" and the like has warped those numbers anyway. Ah, well.
Noticed a new development in the devolution of my handwriting in my English exam this morning (Incidentally, this is the last unseen poetry commentary set by my teacher that I'll sit, and I loved every poem she chose. Heh). YES, I THOUGHT ABOUT BLOGGING IN THE MIDDLE OF AN EXAM. GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT? *ahem* Anyway, it's summarised pretty well in the image below. And yeah, my capital 'Y's have turned basically into '7's. But I cross my '7's, so all's good. Over and out!
"Anakin is the father, isn't he? I'm so sorry."
Yeah, I don't know why I've managed to memorise those lines. Heck, I hadn't seen Revenge of the Sith since it was in cinemas! Soo, I dragged my butt out to the living room and settled on the sofa to watch the remainder of the film. (AKA the good bit. Yay fighting!) I have to say, III is definitely my favourite of the new trilogy. (YES, FLICK. NOT ONE. THREE.)
But in any case, in one of the final fights, and I won't say which, since one crazy person has yet to see III, I was pleasantly surprised to hear Duel of the Fates feature in the music as it grew increasingly epic. (Well, it phased out again, but you can't win 'em all. DotF is the main theme that plays in I when Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon fight Darth Maul.) For some reason, the theme triggers an internal "SQUEE" for me. (No, I am not a lizard at heart. Most of you didn't get that. Head this-a-way.)
I didn't think much of it at the time, until I started checking to see if I could download some Star Wars soundtracks later that evening. (I was looking for the music in III that features DotF, but it's not in the soundtrack! Laaame.) Getting to the point, Duel of the Fates is the first musical theme ('track' or 'song', if you will) that I can think of that I've liked (that isn't a hymn. Because that's all the music I ever heard growing up. In retrospect, that's probably a good thing, as I outgrew the bubblegum music stage in about three months). Which made me wonder if it's the root of my love for symphonic metal. (Best. Genre. EVAR.)
Thankfully, the questionable causal inference only lasted a few minutes. (And who says Theory of Knowledge is useless?) It could be possible that I already had the taste, and DotF was one of the first pieces of music I heard which matched this palate. Which is also questionable, as this taste would have supposedly grown out of hymns. (Seriously, it is a HUGE jump from Give thanks to DotF.) Maybe it was indeed the former, helped along by how friggin' cool Darth Maul is (was?), and the fact that the fight was brilliant? (This would also explain why the original trilogy's music didn't have the same effect. Although admittedly, I grew up watching those practically like other people would've watched Disney.)
Well, here conclude the thoughts of your friendly local raving lunatic. A few links and other thoughts before concluding:
(Translation: because everybody loves marking essays in this sort of handwriting!!!1one)
1 comment:
I haven't watched it yet >_>
mind tho, I'm being made disney princess movies in the coming holiday, so the mind numbage should last that long.
remind me of this post after i've watched III
-Pris [exlaims loudly, "ANUZZA BLOG POST?!"]
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