Sadly enough, the post title is a real muscle. Good thing its name is so damn LONG that it tells you exactly where it is, and you can infer its action from there.
Haven't been drawing much lately; being choked by finals. Hence why I'm posting now, because procrastination is AWESOME. (procrastination is not awesome)Drew this while waiting for a photocopier to spit out sixty-odd pages, and liked the eye size, so I've been trying to replicate it and translate it to other views (okay, view singular) of the head. 've had some success with the former, none with the latter so far.
Also trying to vary faces more, and figure out ways to do that. This was supposed to be a test on jaw angle, though I decided to base him (vaguely) off a Scary Go Round/Bad Machinery character halfway, forgetting that adding a beard lets you get away with jaw angles so square they'd otherwise look wrong. So much for that, but hey, it looks decent woo! (watch me disown this sketch in a few months' time)
On that note, I had to dig out some notes from around May for a friend, and noticed some sketches that I remember being very happy with. They were TERRIBLE. Good to see I'm still improving, in spite of how little I've drawn this semester.
Anyway BACK TO ANATOMY. Longus colli is the confusingest muscle ever. At least if you set out its attachments by grouping them into the (group one) top and (group two) bottom bits of each of its three parts, while neglecting to mention that it has three parts.
29 degrees of separation
8 years ago
1 comment:
Progress is key!
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