Twitter makes for good PR

This tweet amuses me.

That is all.


JoRdAn said...

phail of a blog
make it something interesting and
cos i ask implortant questions anet decided to pick me for special person of the day
or something
anyway gl with the remaining exams
and get on msn or something ur like impossible to talk to now-adays

Barnabas said...

Actually, I'm just embarrassed that of all comments on Guild Wars to be noticed on, it was me being ironically 1337 WOOT DIS ROKKS.

And I'm trying to avoid MSN, sorry - "I'M FREEEEEE" screen names are somewhat depressing when you're not, y'know?

JoRdAn said...

actually i dont
but anyway
thus why twitter is noobish

Barnabas said...