Well, that's not true, strictly speaking. (Für die Pöbelhafte: der Titel bedeutet, „When one is lazy“ .)
What? Seriously! (Well, I've had a lot of work, but I could've posted this. Hmm.)
Anyway, hopefully this summary of the past month won't be an essay. Although considering that the previous blog, which is a summary of a single week, was, no guarantees.
Highlights of the past month (in order of interest):
What? Seriously! (Well, I've had a lot of work, but I could've posted this. Hmm.)
Anyway, hopefully this summary of the past month won't be an essay. Although considering that the previous blog, which is a summary of a single week, was, no guarantees.
Highlights of the past month (in order of interest):
I guess if I can't think of anything else, it hasn't been of note. Here's to hoping for more regular updates from now. Happy Easter.Discovered some new bands - Delain and Leaves' Eyes. Linkage to the right. (Note that the Delain myspace has two MVs as well as their music player.)
Related, but deserving of its own bullet point: some guys in my year have an awesome band, and they played at our school's Easter mission. I gather they have an EP coming out soon.
Finally constructed a sidebar for my computer. Custom Rainmeter, Rainlendar, Avetunes (although these are admittedly very plain, I had lots of fun learning how to write the .ini files), Recycle bin replacement... whee. Might add a notes desklet (widget), but otherwise, I'm done. Well, that's what they all say, then they go blow another 9 hours on skinning. Screenshots follow (each image is ~1mb):
Worked out a piano part for The Cross (Within Temptation) that I'm really happy with. Now to practice so I can play it well . . .
Started trying to fold an Epcot ball. Pris and her friends decided they wanted to help out, and we've managed to fold 120 pieces each. Only 30 to go. Plus assembly.
I was sick enough throw up just because of a headache (migraine? no idea) back in the last week of February. Viel Spaß.
I have a new baby cousin! Whose name I still don't know. ¬¬
translation of german plzthx
WEEE!! i'm mentioned!
short post calls for short comment /glare
Yeah, I hate you too.
You can't guess the German? Considering that the languages, and the phrases used here especially, are so similar... "For the plebians: the title means, "When one is lazy"."
lol! you do realise that in order to inform someone about the above german phrase, the entire word has to be english? xD
...I've read that through five times, and still don't understand what you're saying. And I'm pretty sure it's not Meadows of heaven scrambling my brain. Reword plzthx?
uhm, i had a typo in there but i coudn't be bothered to correct it. actually its a whole word typo xD. someone was talking to me whilst i was typing the comment, hence the hideousness of it xD
"lol! you do realise that in order to inform someone about the above german phrase, the entire sentence has to be english? xD"
...I've read that through five times, and still don't understand what you're saying. And I'm pretty sure it's not No compliance scrambling my brain. Reword plzthx?
(sorry, I couldn't resist)
cheater! you're getting more comments by making me annoyed!
what are you talking about?!
What, you mean this slew of stychomythic comments? It's healthy sparring, I swear!
all right, if that's what you want to call it.
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