(Sung to the tune of a certain Rick Astley song, of course.)
I've been in a bit of a nostalgic mood this week, music-wise. As the title says, I'm never living this down, but I used to be a big fan of J-pop, the artist YUI in particular. I downloaded her new album a few weeks ago on a whim, and after a few listens, her stuff has made it back onto my iPod. Linkage ahead. (Crappy videos, though; don't bother watching.)
Laugh away 
Goodbye days 
An artist I watch on deviantART designed the cover of an artist called General Fuzz's latest album. I was curious, so I had a listen at his site, and found his music pretty nice. Soothing instrumental background music-type stuff. It's all free for download, too.
Now, to balance that dose of happiness, Epica's collaboration with Roy Khan, Trois Vierges
, had me take a look into the band he's in, Kamelot. Conclusion: WOW. Their music has made for productive piano reduction-ing, too. More linkage:
Ghost opera
Ghost opera 
Love you to death 
The black halo ( I want to link this entire album. Seriously. But then no-one'd bother clicking, so it pains me to choose the best of the best:)
When the lights are down 
The school Sinfonietta and Big Band went on tour in Canberra and Wagga Wagga a few weeks ago. I'd been meaning to write about it in detail, but never felt like I had enough time... so here is a condensed recount!
The bus trips were long and full of bad movies.
Canberra is COLD.
Cello playing is difficult with frozen fingers.
Questacon! We got teachers on the freefall and in the guillotine!
Wagga is not so cold, and we got GREAT accomodation. 2 people to 3-man rooms (I don't know how the music department pulled that off), getting to eat in the hotel restaurant (which can actually cook food, unlike most camp places. Pork with non-soggy skin! Apple crumble that's actually tasty!)
I am so sick of the pieces we played now.
Go-kart racing! My tendency to ride the brake from driving regular cars landed me in a bit of trouble. And meant that I was beaten by every single staff member who raced. (Go Miss W! Go Ms C!) Heh.
Hanging out with Jordan, Darren, Jono and Oswyn was great fun. Also, hanging out with our awesome music staff (Respecting their privacy will make the next line or so a bit odd, but hey: Mr A, Ms C, Mr H, Mrs K, Mr P, Mr T and Ms W are some of the coolest teachers in the school.)
Finally, a few randomations.
I think I'm going to take a character I made for a text RP about a year ago, take him out of that RP's world, and write prose (or ideally, and wishfully, draw comics) for his story. After my matriculation exams, anyway. I'd say "stay tuned", but that means you'd expect results soonish. (2013! 2013!)
. I love Twitter.
BRAWL! Meta Knight is awesome fun to play. Just in case I have a reader not called Pris who has the game and internet, my friend code is 1547-6796-0737.
My brother is AWESOME, in spite of the fact that I don't treat him very well. Trying to fix that. The other day, he came home and gave me a pair of Mario shrooms. If I had a say in what's hung in the car, they'd be hanging off the rear-view mirror.
I've been in a bit of a nostalgic mood this week, music-wise. As the title says, I'm never living this down, but I used to be a big fan of J-pop, the artist YUI in particular. I downloaded her new album a few weeks ago on a whim, and after a few listens, her stuff has made it back onto my iPod. Linkage ahead. (Crappy videos, though; don't bother watching.)
An artist I watch on deviantART designed the cover of an artist called General Fuzz's latest album. I was curious, so I had a listen at his site, and found his music pretty nice. Soothing instrumental background music-type stuff. It's all free for download, too.
Now, to balance that dose of happiness, Epica's collaboration with Roy Khan, Trois Vierges
The school Sinfonietta and Big Band went on tour in Canberra and Wagga Wagga a few weeks ago. I'd been meaning to write about it in detail, but never felt like I had enough time... so here is a condensed recount!
Finally, a few randomations.